Reviews, Reports + Comments

Monday, March 28, 2011

Review of film: “TRUST” [ = Report # 02 of 46th CIFF ]

2010, 09-22 =

Review of film: TRUST”  [ = Report # 02 of 46th CIFF ]

                             Re:  CHICAGO INT'L. FILM FESTIVAL
This “advance screening” review was originally posted on various internet sites as my Report # 2 on the 46th CHICAGO INT’L FILM FESTIVAL held in 2010...   It’s being posted now (03-28-11) as the movie I reviewed is close to being RELEASED nationally... 

DAVID SCHWIMMER is best known as one of the stars of the long-running TV series “FRIENDS”...

...  But he also has a strong connection with Chicago, since he was a co-founder of Lookingglass Theatre, where he (as a still-current Ensemble member) both acted in and directed various productions...

...  Another one of his interests is the Rape Foundation in Santa Monica, California, where he serves on the Board of Directors

…  Recently, he has been expanding his directing work, in the HBO series “Little Britain USA” and in films such as “Run, Fat Boy, Runand “Since You've Been Gone”…

…  Mr. Schwimmer has recently directed a new film  called TRUST, which was based on a production at the Lookingglass, & I saw an advance screener of that effort which will be shown 3 times at this year’s CHICAGO INT’L FILM FESTIVAL:

…  “Annie” (excellently portrayed by LIANA LIBERATO) is a happy teenager who’s just turned 14 at a party held at her comfortable family home with her younger sister, her warm and loving older brother “Peter” (SPENCER CURNUTT) who’s about to leave for college, and her encouraging father (CLIVE OWEN) and mother (CATHERINE KEENER)…

…  Things go along easily for her, until a “bump” enters her life in the form of a new BOYFRIEND named “Charlie” who she meets ON-LINE...

...  Charlie (played by TRISTAN PEACH) claims he’s 16, & keeps encouraging Liana to meet him in PERSON.  “Taken” with him, Liana meets him at a mall--  & is surprised when the guy who’d claimed to be 16 & then “changed” that to “20” turns out to be far OLDER than he’d claimed…

 …  Charlie keeps telling her how “pretty” she is, & encouraging her to go out on a DATE--  & then “more”…  In time, a friend of hers tells a “3rd party” of seeing them together, & that leads her father Clive to try to go “AFTER” Charlie on a charge of RAPE

…  How does Liana “REACT” to what her Dad & others (such as the FBI) are claiming about Charlie’s supposedly being a sexual predator?...  Whose “SIDE” is she on, & will she CHANGE her attitude?... 

...  The film operates on a very REALISTIC & generally “controlled” level (even when people seem OUT of control)… 

…  There are IMPRESSIVE performances by all the lead characters, & I recommend it with a rating of 8 out of 10 stars. 

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