Reviews, Reports + Comments

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Review of film: “SYMPHONY OF JULIETTE & PASCAL” = Report # 03 on LATINO Film Festival

2011, 04-01:

Review of film:  SYMPHONY OF JULIETTE & PASCAL  = Report # 03 on LATINO Film Festival


On April 1st (the 1st day of the 27th Festival), I saw some more films:

...  First, was a 14-minute short from Spain called “CHECK”  /  “JAQUE”, directed by IKER FRANCO.  In it, a seemingly somewhat-“out-of-it” man named Miguel has retired, and spends his time on various hobbies...  Housekeeper Mamen keeps him company as she takes care of the house...

...  I’m not rating this film, because the English subtitles accidentally weren’t turned on until like 30 seconds before the film ended...

...  The main feature (lasting 95 minutes) was “SYMPHONY OF JULIETTE & PASCAL”, directed by BRUNO VÁZQUEZ...

...  Juliette (BRISA RONDA) has had her parents die.  Since there’s no other family member available, she has taken it upon herself to care for her adult brother Pascal (PERE COSTA), who has autism to the point that he’s barely “functioning” (unable to fully dress or wash himself or talk in complete sentences, etc.)...

...  The schedule describes the film as being about “acceptance, sacrifice and love”...  That’s the description of Brisa, who has a very ROUGH time in trying to care for and control Pere.  He tries to color (tho he can barely hold pencils), likes looking at water, and his mind tends to “wander” (at best)...  
...  A lady friend (who periodically visits) tries to urge her to consider putting Pere in an INSTITUTION to care for him, but Brisa feels “guilty” about that idea, even tho she really isn’t able to have a “full” life for herself the way things are...

...  She has a boyfriend, but he finds it very hard to deal with Pere and his problems, which tends to “distance” the boyfriend from HER more and more...  She works very hard trying to keep Pere “occupied”, taking him on visits to the countryside (to watch birds, bees and butterflies), to see acrobats in town, etc...

...  A bunch of “questions” arise from Brisa’s efforts:  Is she being “REALISTIC” and sensible in the way she’s “viewing” Pere & his condition?...  She shows him old photos of their parents, & seems to “want” him to “remember” them.  But, is he really “remembering” anything by his saying “Mama” & “Papa” (or is he mainly just “parroting” her words back to her)?...

...  While she’s certainly giving Pere LOVE, is the care she’s providing better than he could get elsewhere?...  Is she being fair to herself and her OWN life (which has been put on “hold” for YEARS since she does little except take care of him)?... 

...  The credits make clear the filmmakers had “input” from various AUTISM-related and “therapy” groups in making the film...

...  The main actors do an excellent job, with Pere giving any almost “frighteningly” REALISTIC portrait of someone suffering from the disability (to the point that it’s often “hard” and “painful” to WATCH him & Brisa)...

...  But, while there’s a lot of hard work (including “education”) expended in this, I’m unable to rate it at more than 6 out of 10 stars because of the way the filmmakers have chosen to have what I call a “DISINTEGRATINGEND to the film: 

...  Maddeningly, the film finishes with Brisa once again just driving off somewhere with Pere, & you’re left with NO idea or even any clear “clues” as to what’s finally about to “HAPPEN” in their lives (which tends to make one feel, what’s the “POINT” of having “suffered along” with the 2 of them in the film?!)... 

...  But, maybe you’ll have some different “reactions” / “responses” to the movie (which will be shown again on Thursday, April 14 at 8:15 pm at the LANDMARK CENTURY theatre)...

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= = =         …  ( <>  ^  <> )  ...

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