Reviews, Reports + Comments

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Review of film: “THE HOUSEMAID” [ = Report # 17 re 46th CIFF ]

2010, 10-04:

Review of film:THE HOUSEMAID  [ = Report # 17 re 46th CIFF ]

         REPORT # 17 on the 46th CHICAGO INT’L FILM FESTIVAL =     

This Korean “erotic thriller” film (known as “Hanyo”) is a “re-imagining” of a “classic” movie first done in 1960:

  The movie starts out with a suicide attempt by a woman in a busy area of street vendors…  Shortly, we are introduced to a simple young girl named Eun-yi (DO-YEON JEON) who applies for a job as a nanny in the home of a super-wealthy young pianist named Hoon Goh (JUNG-JAE LEE)...

...  She’s let in by stern housekeeper Mrs. Cho Byung-sik (YEO-JONG YUN), & soon introduced to Hoon’s young wife Haera (SEO WOO) who is pregnant with twin boys, and also to their young daughter Nami (SEO-HYEON AHN)…

… Eun-yi is very sweet, but also naïve & apparently also a bit simple-minded (or, as one person describes it, “childlike”).  She seems to be responsible and good with kids, so she is hired as a live-in employee...

...  The house is ultra-modern and elegant, with striking furnishings and layout.  She’s expected to help as a servant (bringing fancily-prepared food to people, cleaning the bathroom, etc.) besides being a nanny…  The housekeeper believes in eating leftover food, rather than just throwing it out…

   Hoon is handsome, comes from a rich family, happily revels in wine every chance he gets, & expects everyone (including his wife) to CATER to his every whim…  Eun-yi is expected to help the wife with her pregnancy exercises, assist Mrs. Cho, and so on… 

...  The wife says she wants to have 4-5 children eventually…  Child Nami remarks that “Papa said, treat people POLITELY—”, & she does just that…

  Bit-by-bit, Hoon makes clear to Eun-yi that he also expects her to cater to his SEXUAL wishes…  Mrs. Cho sees what is going on (seemingly have seen such things before), & eventually learns that Eun-yi has gotten PREGNANT...

...  The mother of Hoon’s wife eventually learns the news, & cold-heartedly works to “REMOVE” Eun-yi from being a “threat” in the household (being very protective of her daughter’s “position” with Hoon)…

  Housekeeper Mrs. Cho tries to “clue-in” Eun-yi to things (such as how the wife & her family will do what’s “CONVENIENT for them”), but is limited in what she can “accomplish” in urging her to leave…  The wife’s mother becomes more devious in trying to bribe & then physically get rid of Eun-yi and any possible child she might have…

  Child Nami speaks up about what she saw her grandmother do to Eun-yi, but her words are “brushed-off”…  Hoon has his assistants try to force Eun-yi to do things the way he wants.  Eun-yi commiserates with a lady friend she has, & eventually vows, “I’m going to get REVENGE!” for what’s been done to her…  Mrs. Cho tries  to counsel her, but is again restricted in what she can achieve… 

  Things become more & more “involved” & sinister between Eun-yi & Hoon’s family.  As Mrs. Cho comments, “I’m scared something might happen—”, & indeed it does.  Things come to a shocking & frightening conclusion involving Eun-yi, the whole extended Hoon family group, and even Mrs. Cho…

  After what seems to be the blazing “finish” to the story, the movie adds a strange “postscript” at the very end.  It may have been meant to be “symbolic” & “ironic” in some form, but it seemed so strangely “OUT-OF-PLACE” & inherently meaningless, it caused me to REDUCE my overall rating on the well-acted film to 7.25 stars out of 10…

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