Reviews, Reports + Comments

Monday, July 16, 2012

Report on MIS-HANDLING of crowds at advance screenings incl "RUBY SPARKS"

Report on MIS-HANDLING of crowds at advance screenings, including at "RUBY SPARKS"

     For the 2nd time [since July 2], the people "handling" this advance-screening event had OVER-BOOKED the theater (which held only 199 people) by like 100% [rather than the “normal” 10% or so], inconveniencing hundreds of people who couldn’t get in...

       ...  Further, as also happened at the "SPIDER-MAN 3" screening, no one in “authority” made any attempt to control the rampant "BUTTING-IN line" by LATE-arriving people trying to get ahead of those who'd arrived more than 2 hours beforehand.  Everyone tries to "PASS-the-buck" on whose responsibility it is to handle things properly & fairly...

      ... I fully SUPPORT trying to STOP people from "stealing" movies by filming them in theaters, & to stop people from turning on any electronic device DURING the movies (as the light is distracting & improper)...

        ...  However, the "BIG BROTHER" attitude of film companies or their "agents" has become way OVERBLOWN:

         ...  Someone hires so-called "security" people who use ineffective "WANDS" on people.  They at times try to CONFISCATE Cell phones, which some people need for proper communication outside the auditorium...

             ...  Yesterday, the security "agents" had clear plastic BAGS ready to HOLD Cell phones brought by people, which they demanded be turned-in along with any other electronic device...

                ...  But they went to a whole "NEW" level by further demanding that people SIGN a FORM (for which they improperly offered NO COPY to be kept by the device-owner!) which stated that the person turning-in the device (per their demand!) would supposedly hold them HARMLESS if the device was DAMAGED or LOST...  I REFUSED to accept that to-me FRAUDULENT requirement & action...

                    ... I find it more than a little "ironic" that the company distributing the film is [apparently] owned by RUPERT MURDOCH-- who's [seemingly] being charged in England with illegally HACKING-IN to people's cell phones!... 

                         ...  I feel the "BIG BROTHER" attitudes by film companies (who try to over-control 1st Amendment rights of FREE SPEECH) need to be "reigned-in" significantly...

     ...  That being said, I found the "RUBY SPARKS" movie to be very WELL-DONE--  a charming & clever fantastical "commentary" on relationships & trying to "control" other people... The Q&A afterwards was very interesting & informative...  

...  I'd rate this film starring PAUL DANO & ZOE KAZAN (opening in the U.S. on July 25th in limited markets) at 8.00 stars out of 10 (& I MAY have more to say about the film & Q&A at a LATER time)...

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1 comment:

  1. harika film ve site teşekur ederim, tek part film izleyebilirsiniz.
